ASTB03 Assignment 4
ASTB03 Assignment 4 Mark - 6110 Pluto is a dwarf planet that orbits the sun at an average distance of 39.5AU. A dwarf planet has similar characteristics to a planet, it just simply isn't large enough to be considered a regular planet. Pluto's diameter is only 2370km, less than 1/5 of the diameter of the Earth. Pluto itself is very rocky and cold, having average temperatures of roughly -225 degrees Celsius. It has many icy mountains, with heights rising as high as 3500 metres (similar to the Rockies). The orbital period of Pluto is 248 years, while its rotation period is roughly 6.39 days. Pluto's geology is comprised of mostly frozen nitrogen, water ice, and rock. Its atmosphere consists of nitrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide. Pluto has 5 moons which orbit around it. Pluto is one of the largest bodies that belongs to the ...
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